Status of homosexuality

Homosexuals (or homosexuals) refer to lovers who are passionate about the same sex. Many people now avoid using homosexual as a noun. When adjectives can, they use lesbians (Lesbian) and gays (Gay). Bi-sexual (Bi-sexual include threesome love , which means homosexuality, but also erotic love for the opposite sex) or transgendered (Transgendered) refers to those who do not consider their gender and their gender based on the reproductive organs. English uses LGBT to represent this group. LGBT is usually recognized by itself, mostly refers to sexual orientation; the relationship between homosexuality is same as the relationship between general heterosexuality (ie, normal person, or straight person ) may or may not involve sexual activity. A gay couple’s marriage is called a same-sex marriage or a gay marriage. The slogan of the appeal is “marriage equality” or “equal marriage”. Supporters believe that traditional marriage needs to be redefined. Although many protest marches a...