Some signs mean she want to break up with you

You wanted to start a serious relationship but not a couple seeking bisexual singles game, so you visited some bisexualdating sites online. Then you found a wonderful partner. In the beginning, you got along with her, but some days later she became colder towards you. You knew some problems already exist between you, which will make you break up. In most cases when a woman is no longer interested in a relationship she doesn't want to be the one to end it. But even when she is already made the decision to break it up, she will take some time to give you some signs to prepare you, before she tells you. If you feel that something is going wrong it is time to take a closer look at your relationship. Here are seven warning signs she is no longer interested: 1. This is probably the most classic subtle signal of all: her life becomes too hectic. She hasn't picked up the phone for a few days and when she does, she is busy and pretending that she doesn't have tim...